Share3D includes feature for creating an online catalog. This starts with setting up a shopping cart based on the parts lists embedded in your uploaded 3D files.

When enabled, visitors can select parts, select a quantity and then add them to the integrated shopping cart. Parts can be selected by clicking on them in the 3D view or by clicking on them in the tabular parts list.

Catalog Plan Required

The Share3D **Catalog** plan is required to enable shopping cart features.

## Setting up a Shopping Cart

If Shopping cart features are enabled, you can activate the shopping cart for any of your uploaded 3D files from the _Files Properties_ page by clicking on the checkbox to enable the shopping cart.

Further setup of the cart is based on the data connection that supplies a link between the Share3D service and your enterprise data.

Shopping Cart is currently a beta feature

This is currently a beta feature of the Share3D service. We would be happy to discuss your specific needs. Please contact [](πŸ”—ο»Ώ) with details.

## Connecting a Shopping Cart to your Data

_Please contact [](πŸ”—ο»Ώ) for details._

## Using a Shopping Cart

When a visitor visits a web page that is shopping cart enabled, he will be able to add parts to the shopping cart and then submit them for processing by the publisher.

The shopping cart features include:

  • A _Submit to Cart_ button displayed when a part is selected

  • An integrated shopping cart that displays the cart contents and total price

  • A checkout page that requests customer info and provides publisher provide information detailing how the submitted cart will be processed.

Carts and Cookies

If cookies are enabled, shopping carts are maintained across different web sessions.