Requires Access to Server File System

The QuadriSpace Local S3D Server is a small PHP and JavaScript based web app for managing S3D files and delivering HTML5 3D web content.

# Server Requirements

The Share3D On-Premise Server can be installed on most PHP 5 capable web servers. Windows and Linus servers are supported.

# Quick Start - Server Installation Steps

  1. Copy the or Share3DOnPremise.tar file to a folder on your web server. The location shouldn’t matter.

  2. Unzip the server files on the server. This will install the files needed to run the server.

  3. Enter the URL for the server into a browser.

  4. Follow the instructions for installation from there.

# Server Installation Steps

Once you have unzipped the installation file and pointed your web browser to the appropriate URL, you will be guided through the following general steps:

  • Install Ion Cube. This is a third party license management product that manages the Share3D server license

  • Request a server license file

  • Install the server license file

  • Configure you php.ini file to allow larger uploads

  • Sign in as Admin and set up your Share3D On-Premise Server

# About Ion Cube

The Share3D On-Premise Server utilizes ION Cube technology to manage licensing. If not already installed on your server, then you will need to make sure that the latest ION Cube loaders are installed.

You will be prompted to install this during the process above. However, if you find the need to install this manually, instructions for installing ION Cube loaders are available at:

# Directory Structure

The Local S3D Server consists of an application PHP file, a config file, and one or more 3D Viewing templates that control the appearance when viewing S3D files.

File or FolderDescription
S3D RootThe folder that you installed S3D Local Server to
FilesFolder containing S3D files for viewing. Subfolders are allowed.
viewit.phpTemplate for viewing S3D files
index.phpLocal S3D Server app
config.xmlUser settings file
s3d.licS3D Server License File
.log.txtLog File
UploadsFolder enable for uploading files through S3D Server
.s3d3D Documents

# Configuring your PHP.ini file for Larger Uploads

If you want to allow users to upload S3D files directly to the upload folders of the S3D Server, then you will probably need to modify your web server’s php.ini file. The default for most php installs restricts the size of uploads to 3 MB. I would recommend increasing this to 50 MB initially. Change the following entries in your php.ini file and restart your web server. It is recommended that post_max_size be greater than upload_max_size.


# Signing Into the Server

User logins may be set to have permissions as either user, editor or administrator. Administrator access is required to setup your server.

By default, two user accounts are created on installation.

useruserView Only

It is recommended that you change these passwords.